Ancient history examines past societies using a wide variety of written and archaeological sources. A study of ancient history allows students to:
- investigate past people, societies, events and historical sites using the methods of historians and archaeologists
- understand the influence the ancient past has on the present and future
- analyse written and archaeological evidence, question interpretations of available evidence, appreciate the need to conserve historical sites and consider changing interpretations of the past
- communicate about history in a variety of forms.
Students of Modern History learn about past human experiences, increasing their understanding of society today. Through a study of modern history students are able to:
- investigate significant features, issues, individuals and events from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries
- understand the influence the past has on the present and future
- analyse primary and secondary sources and test their own thoughts and ideas about historical events and issues
- communicate about history in a variety of forms.
Students of Legal Studies learn about the rule of law, justice and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Legal studies offers students an opportunity to:
- learn about Australian and international law
- the rule of law and how both Australian and international legal systems work
- inquire into and analyse legal issues and communicate in structured arguments.
Through a study of Geography students learn about human interaction with their environments and the impact of, and responses to, environmental change.
As students develop an understanding of the contribution of a geographical perspective they will study the:
- characteristics and spatial distribution of environments
- processes that form and transform the features and patterns of the environment
- global and local forces that impact on people, ecosystems, urban places and economic activity.
Students learn the skills of geographical investigation and communication through a process of geographical inquiry and propose actions for a just society as active and informed citizens.
Business Studies focuses on the nature and role of business, the internal and external factors of a business environment, the functions and processes of businesses and responsibilities of management.
Students investigate business information and issues, communicate in appropriate formats and apply mathematical concepts related to the business world.
Students use case studies of small and big businesses to identify and discuss the essential concepts of a business, from implementation to management and expansion of the operations. Additionally, students identify business issues, analyse problems and propose solutions.
Key topics of the course include:
- the nature of business
- business management
- business planning
- operations
- marketing
- finance
- human resources.