In 2024, the Student Representative Council consists of representatives from Years 7-12 and Prefects and meets every Tuesday Break 1.
The role of the SRC is for students to have a forum to discuss issues concerning the student body. It also supports a number of charities nominated by the Council. These charities have been selected because they have a direct relationship with members of the school community. These charities include Stewart House, Jeans for Genes, CANTEEN and the Grossmann Christmas Giving Tree. The SRC also organise throughout the year with funds supporting both the elected charities and student needs within the school.
The SRC is coordinated by Ms Renee Watson.
The Captains and Prefect tradition has a long-standing history within the Maitland Grossmann High School community. Captains and Prefects are elected from the Year 11 student cohort during Term 3 by Year 11 students and staff. The Captains and Prefects then join the Student Representative Council and assume their other leadership duties such as Year 7 mentoring, Assembly Duty and Canteen Duty.
The leadership team of Captains, Vice Captains and Senior Prefect also represent our school at community events, like ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and local Rotary events.
The SRC and Prefects are formally inducted at an assembly and presented with their badges. The SRC and Prefect body attend Leadership workshops and conferences.
Mrs Amanda Hannah is the Prefect Adviser.
Congratulations to the students who were elected school Captain's, Vice Captain's, Senior Prefect and Prefects of Maitland Grossmann High School for 2024.
School Captains, Vice Captains and Senior Prefect

Maitland Grossmann High School (MGHS) has a strong tradition of student voice, participation and leadership in the school. We value the perspective and opinions of our students and the way in which students and teachers work together to ensure authentic student voice, participation and leadership genuinely shapes learning and decision-making at the school. We have five (5) student leadership groups within the school and they are:
- Senior Student Leaders – comprising of our Captains, Vice Captains, Senior Prefect and Prefects
- Student Representative Council (SRC) – up to four delegates per year group
- Support Unit Stage Leaders
- Junior AECG
- House Captains
Our Student Voice and Leadership Procedures outlines the roles and responsibilities of each of these positions and the election processes undertaken. Elected leaders are inducted in Term 4 at our Student Leadership Induction Ceremony that takes place in Week 6.